Wednesday, February 25, 2009

P5 camp rocks!!

P5 camp was awesome! Everything was nice except for the horrible food, toilets and beds.The food was so horrible that I threw away practicly the whole thing. The only thing that was nice was the chicken wings, but we were only allowed to have one! The drinks were diluted and tasted like water. The beds were very cramed and hard. Luckily I brought a pillow and could sleep well at night. The toilets were the worst. It was so smelly, and the locks couldn't work! We had very little time to bathe, and once we went in, the girls will start banging on the doors, asking us to hurry up when we are already trying our best! The crc, abseiling, and the rock climbing were the best! They were so fun! The campfire rocked! There was so much noise, and most of the performaces were wonderful. But the last day of camp was horrible! We had to clean the boys a-huts, and they stinked! There were so much litter and rubbish on the beds and floors! The camp was great!:)

Stress is driving us to our graves!!!

Yes, I agree that kids these day are experiencing more stress. I have to cope with schoolwork as well as tuition work, not to mention multiple activities outside. I think the education system should focus less on distinctions so that students won't feel so pressured.

The Battle Box

The battle box was quite interesting and meaningful. I have learnt what the battle box was used for and have seen many spooky rooms and dungeons. It was a good experience for me, and I enjoyed it very much.

Monday, February 2, 2009

My hobbies:)

My favourite hobbies are ice skating, playing tennis, playing and talking with friends, watching tv and lazing around:)