Monday, June 29, 2009

A wierd & informal letter

Dearest Amber,

I know you hate me and abhor doing any of the assignments typed up on my face, but it is definitely lovelier if I had your innocent handwriting scribbled on y sheet than the horrible and scary streaks of blood-red ink that your teacher scrawls across my belly. It is so painful to go through the "marking process" when your teacher whines incessantly and complains when you do not do well, or have not put in enough effort to write the words clearly, then she would be scrawling with her hard-handed handwriting, causing stashes and gashes across my nice clean face, originally a clean black and white. Worse still, she stamps these silly prints like that title with the words "try harder" on it. It may be embarrassing for you when your friends see it, but at least you can file me away and do better on the next sheet of homework. Spare a thought for me too! I have to have that imprint stamped on my head for the rest of my life. It is an incredibly tough life being a a homework sheet, you know. So I beg of you dear Amber, if you could do me a favour, please do your best work, so that I can be proud of you too, and proud of being in your folder without the other homework sheets laughing at me. I know you have a kind and compassionate heart.

Your piteous friend,
The English Grammar Book, page 2

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