Sunday, May 24, 2009

The idiot test

  1. How many sides does a circle have?
  2. Spell your name...
  3. What shape is a roosters egg? a) triangular b) Oval c) Circle
  4. Why is Mas Selamat 2/3 woman??
  5. Why can't the skeleton go to the prom?
  6. Which direction would a pineapple drop from the tree? a) Left b) down c) right
  7. Why can't PM Lee go out in the morning??
  8. A mad person is stuck in a forest, which path can it take to get out?
  9. What is the time of coins called??


  1. 2 sides, inside and outside!
  2. y.o.u.r. n.a.m.e.
  3. Roosters do not lay eggs!
  4. Because he is 1/3 man!
  5. Because he has nobody!
  6. Pineapples do not grow on trees!
  7. Because he is PM!
  8. The psycho path!
  9. Century!
Are you 100% idiotic??


  1. haha v. funny now i understand he 1/3 thing. sppsed to be 'wanted' rite?

  2. no it is not. if he is 2/3 woman then 3/3-2/3=1/3 so therefore he is 1/3 man!

  3. Wah! Vanessa, you still got explanations arh... Anyway, this is LAME!
